Acupuncture can be used to treat emotional and psychological conditions, along with detoxifying the human body. This process is done by using auricular acupuncture. It is the process of treating the human body through acupuncture in the ears.
Auricular acupuncture can be used to treat addiction, attention deficit disorder (ADD & ADHD), depression, bi-polar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and can even be used to help you quit smoking. Acudetox is just another word for acupuncture detoxification. It’s the most powerful and fastest way in the world to remove toxins from the human body. It’s also the fastest way to treat stress and anger problems, and promotes trauma recovery and healing.
Acudetox has been proven to help reduce the following:
- Physical pain
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Substance withdrawal and cravings
- Agitation
- Emotional pain
Does Acudetox hurt?
Although some sensations may be felt with the insertion of needles into the skin, acupuncture very rarely induces a pain response and is considered safe for children and adults of all ages when conducted by a NADA SA registered practitioner.
Acupuncture detoxification uses the insertion of very fine, disposable needles along acupoints or meridians on the outer ear to influence the flow of energy or ‘Qi’, circulate blood, innovate nerve pathways, influence the nervous system, reduce inflammation & so much more to promote an individual’s health & wellbeing.